(keitai-l) revenues, i-mode unofficial sites

From: Giorgio Andreoli <giorgio_andreoli_at_libero.it>
Date: 09/12/03
Message-Id: <HL3JMU$6EB4B44020C50EAF70B0ACF34397A9E5@libero.it>
Hi all,
I'm new on the list, I apologize for a question 
that has proba=
bly been discussed at lenght. 
I've read (unfortunately I don't remember=
source) that *data traffic* towards i-mode 
unofficial sites was =
up to 54% of total Docomo 
revenues, in 2001.
Can anybody confirm these=
 data, or have more 
recent info?

Thanks in advance,
Received on Fri Sep 12 13:24:20 2003