(keitai-l) Re: [Internet Insight]2000.07.14: Wireless Web, Listen Up

From: Juergen Specht <specht_at_meta-list.net>
Date: 07/18/00
Message-ID: <39746832.3715C5E7@meta-list.net>
Dave wrote:
> What I think would be cool is a something about the size of my Sony IDO
> phone which would open like a book to reveal a screen inside. I'm holding it
> in my hand right now along side my Palm Pilot, and two of them side by side
> would equal a little more than the whole width of the Palm.
> Of course, with current technology, there would be a split in the middle of
> the screen where the hinge for the phone was. But if you extend the concept
> of digital paper to becoming an interactive foldable screen, then that
> problem is solved, assuming the material can bend enough without necessarily
> being creased. That's my ideal model for a PDA/Browser/mobile phone
> combination. Open it up and use it like a Palm Pilot. Close it and use it
> like a phone.
This concept is not new, see here:


But i think you are talking about something a little bit smaller.

Received on Tue Jul 18 17:09:22 2000