(keitai-l) Re: i-Mode searchengines?

From: Brent Bossom <bbossom_at_pg7.so-net.ne.jp>
Date: 08/01/00
Message-ID: <B5AC65BD.5093%bbossom@pg7.so-net.ne.jp>
Here's another forum for you, Ren ;-)

> Will i-mode conquer the world?
> NTT DoCoMo expects the number of subscribers to its i-mode internet
> phone service to rise to 17m by the end of the year, making it one
> of the leading internet service providers in the world. Possible
> alliances with AOL and KPN could mean that i-mode will be reaching
> European and American shores very soon.  Is i-mode set for world
> domination, or will other protocols such as Wap manage to hold out
> against DoCoMo's onslaught? And even more radically, will
> telephone-based ISPs such as i-mode ever challenge the dominance of
> PC-based services such as AOL?
> http://forum.ft.com/fintimes/Forum172/HTML/000001.html


Brent Bossom
Received on Tue Aug 1 05:26:49 2000