(keitai-l) iMode Animated Games (???)

From: Andrey <Andrey_at_BUG-LIFE.com>
Date: 08/03/00
Message-ID: <5345E99DE6DED311888A00508BA3686102C7E9@BUGLIFESRV>
I know there are imode animated games, and there are companies developing
As I understand from DoCoMo technical documentation, there are severe
limitations for iMode animated GIF (as size , up to 5 frames only , etc...)
Also, if I understood correctly, a GIF/animated GIF is the only graphic
possiblity to display.
My question is, how to program iMode animated games having such limitations
My first idea would be to send animated GIF's continuously to iMode
subscriber. However this requires certain autorefresh mechanism.
Is it possible to implement it in iMode? Does any refresh tag exist ?
Any other ideas to develop an animated game?
Can anybody point me any game example / iMode animated game site ?
Was this issue discussed on GigaHz list? If yes could you send me message
numbers to fetch them from GigaHz archive ?
Thanks in advance,
Andrei Borenstein.
Received on Thu Aug 3 13:17:02 2000