(keitai-l) Re: Redirect script?

From: M. David <davidm1_at_hotmail.com>
Date: 09/11/00
Message-ID: <LAW2-F38W06C20fJU9s00007215@hotmail.com>

Sorry for a slow response, but i dont seem to be receiving the mailing 
list..Hotmail problem?...

Took me a while to figure out, but it seems to work. 

Good luck,

David M

# Redirection CGI
# Ken Wronkiewicz (wh3947a@tso.cin.ix.net)
# Version 1.00 - Inital release - Ken Wronkiewicz(wh3947a@tso.cin.ix.net)
# Version 1.01 - Bug fix version - I forgot a space - Ken Wronkiewicz
#		 (wh3947a@tso.cin.ix.net)
# Version 1.10 - Cleaned up release - Uses associative arrays
# 		 and cleaner structure.  Added docs - 
#		 Ken Wronkiewicz(wh3947a@tso.cin.ix.net)
# How this works -
#  First, we check for Microsoft Internet Explorer, because it sends a
#  Netscape HTTP_USER_AGENT.  Then, we screen out pre - 2.0 Netscape
#  Navagators.  If the browser is none of the top two, it must be 
#  2.0 or 3.0.  We also check for LYNX in order to send the user to the 
#  text only page.  If the user isn't one of these, we send them to
#  the average browser page.
# To adapt to your page - 
# 1) Place this file, renamed index.cgi, into the directory you with to
#    make independant
# 2) Create four directories, avg/ ie/ ns/ and text/
# 3) Remove your index.html and create four tailored index.html files
#    for each of the four directories.
# 4) Specify all pathnames without an index.html.  For example, if your
#    netscape specific file is at "http://www.yyy.com/ns/index.html",
#    you should specify the URL as "http://www.yyy.com/"
# To adapt to a different structure -
#  The %Locations associative array holds the location the user is sent 
#  to.  So, if the page you want Netscape users to go to is at
#  "http://www.yyy.com/foo/index.html" and this is at 
#  "http://www.yyy.com/", you want to set the value after 'NS' to 
#  "/foo/index.html".
# If this program doesn't work -
#  Your server might be set up improperly.  Normally, the server will
#  try to find a file named "index.html" and then a file named "index.cgi"
#  before it sends an FTP style directory.  So, if you get a FTP style
#  directory instead of the page, your server is set up like this.
#  Also, make sure that your server is set up to treat files with a .cgi
#  extension as CGI applications.
# To support a new browser -
#  You need to come up with a key name for it.  Just use the first few 
#  letters of the browser name or something.  Then, you want to make a 
#  new directory for the new browser.  Find out what HTTP_USER_AGENT 
#  string the browser sends out and then add a test.
# To find out what HTTP_USER_AGENT your browser is sending
#  If the URL you use is "http://www.yyy.com/", you want to
#  go to "http://www.yyy.com/index.cgi?id".  The HTTP_USER_AGENT your
#  browser sends will be the result of the script.
# For further help -
#  E-mail me at wh3947a@tso.cin.ix.net
# License -
#  This software has been written by me.  If you use it, I want to know.
#  So tell me if you use it.  You can modify it, as long as I know
#  about it and you give me credit.
#  It is freely distributable.  

# Read the content data - Does nothing, really.  Just in case
# somebody tries to POST something to the CGI.

read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

# Set up the associative array with the list of different locations
# that your page could possibly be.  The key associated with
# the location comes first.  The actual location comes second.

%Locations = (
'MSIE', 'index.html', #Path for the Internet Explorer page
'NS', 'index.html', #Path for the Netscape page
'IMODE', 'http://www.imode/index.html', #Path for the text-only page
'TEXT', 'http://www.text/index.html', #Path for the text-only page
'JPHONE', 'http://www.jphone/index.html', #Path for the j-phone
'AVG', 'indexms.html', #Path for the average page
'EZ', 'http://www.ez/index.hdml', #path foe EzWeb HDML Pages
# Add additional locations here - first the key and then the location.

# Get the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable - This is the identification string
# that your browser sends out when it asks for a page.


# Decide which page to send the user to - This uses regular expression
# tests to decide if a particular string is in the HTTP_USER_AGENT
# variable and then sends the proper redirect.

 if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} eq "id") {&ID; last CHECK; }
 if ($Agent =~ /MSIE/i) {&Redirect($Locations{'MSIE'}); last CHECK; }
# Add more Internet Explorers here
 if ($Agent =~ /^Mozilla\/1.*/i) {&Redirect($Locations{'AVG'}); last CHECK; 
# Add more Netscape versions here
 if ($Agent =~ /^Mozilla\/*/i) {&Redirect($Locations{'NS'}); last CHECK; }
 if ($Agent =~ /^Lynx/i) {&Redirect($Locations{'TEXT'}); last CHECK; }
# Add new browsers here

 if ($Agent =~ /^DoCoMo\/1.*/i) {&Redirect($Locations{'IMODE'}); last 
##Just in case jphone changes...
 if ($Agent =~ /^J-Phone/i) {&Redirect($Locations{'JPHONE'}); last CHECK; }
##but for now they dont show up in the header so all unknown browsers go to 
 if ($Agent =~ /^/i) {&Redirect($Locations{'JPHONE'}); last CHECK; }

 if ($Agent =~ /^.*UP.*/i) {&Redirect($Locations{'EZ'}); last CHECK; }

# Redirect subroutine.  Given a location to redirect to, it will give you 
the new 
# document.  

sub Redirect {
 local($location) = @_;
 print "Location: $location\n\n";
# Just in case the user's browser does not support redirections properly, 
# send out a document to tell them to go to the new location.  I have yet 
# see a browser that doesn't, but I figure it's better to be safe.
 print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Note</TITLE>\n";
 print "<BODY><P>Go to <A HREF=\"$Locations{'TEXT'}\"></P>";
 print "</BODY></HTML>";

# Testing subroutine.  Prints out the type of browser you are using.

sub ID {
  print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
  print "$Agent";

# End of redirecton.

Anybody on this list ever programmed a redirect script which points
the right client to the right I-Mode/Web/Wap/MML/HDML/etc interface
and is willing to share information?


Juergen - js@anima.de

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Received on Mon Sep 11 13:58:09 2000