(keitai-l) Re: line length

From: William G. Perrin III <bill_at_tsubakimoto.co.jp>
Date: 09/30/00
Message-ID: <NCBBJJLCCJKOAPEFNIIJGEJDENAA.bill@tsubakimoto.co.jp>
I've been using the Windows NotePad, another free editor called
NotePad+, and MS Word. I haven't been able to set the wrap on those.
Is there a shareware/freeware editor that can do this that you would

> What text editor do you use? Set you text editor to wrap
> at 16 characters
> then run a search and replace regular expression to
> replace your end of
> lines with <BR> tags.
> Kyle
> For those of us who may not be super programmers, how do
> most of you
> get your text to wrap or hyphenate correctly between the magical
> 16-20 characters per line? Is there some way, other than going
> through and manually entering <BR> tags? Might someone
> have a MS Word
> macro or other tool they'd be willing to share? I'm not too keen on
> having my site look like that CNN site with words chopped off on
> every line.
Received on Sat Sep 30 07:48:23 2000