(keitai-l) Re: determining what is an i-mode page

From: Kyle Barrow <kyle_at_X-9.com>
Date: 02/08/01
Nick May wrote:
If it is pretending to be netscape, it will get redirected. If it is
pretending to be a 501i, it will get a very different page, with
different images  to if it is pretending to be a 502it.
My sites are 100% php/database driven - this is a SERIOUS issue for me.

Couldn't agree strongly enough with that. Our site doesn't just look for
generic DoCoMo devices but also delivers content tailored for the colour,
screen size, cache and in the future Java capabilities of the device. Google
would be best to pass directly the user_agent of the device.



[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu Feb 8 06:47:32 2001