(keitai-l) Re: Network technology i.s.o. handset technology

From: Hubert Hung-Hsien Chang <hubert_at_4w1h.com>
Date: 03/22/01
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.32.0103220921530.26987-100000@cs.csoft.net>
On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Victor Pikula wrote:

> If I may quote Hubert on this one:
> "There is a reason why NTT DoCoMo just went ahead for the cHTML and i-mode.
> WAP forum just all talks and little action.
> It takes too long to settle the 'standard' (which satisfies all the major
> carriers and hanset makers. )"

Well, I paraphrased it from some other article. I think it makes
sense sine NTT DoCoMo is one of the early WAP forum participatns,
why don't they 'wait'. I guess they wait TOO long.  Patience may
be Japanese's virtue but inefficiency is not.

> If I may add: It is a lot more difficult for the WAP Forum to settle "the
> standard" with all these stakes involved. DoCoMo just goes up to NEC and
> asks: "How many phones do you want to sell?" And that is all they need to
> know...

But the relationship ( as your report has pointed out and other news
source) between DoCoMo and handset manufacturers are very tigh.
They could go up and ask them. I wonder what would it looks like
when i-mode starts launching in Europe. Nokia and Ericsson will
be either re-vamp their handsets or be pretty upset.

And there would be an interesting turn in the handsets market shares
since I assume Japan manufacturers could and will supply these
i-mode phones. There are already prediction on the trend of
possible change of market shares.


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu Mar 22 17:22:26 2001