(keitai-l) Re: i-appli on phones of diff company

From: Zev Blut <zev_at_atc.yamatake.co.jp>
Date: 05/15/01
Message-ID: <005501c0dd0b$9f4e4720$da1414ac@taishakurhq>
Hello Paul,

Paul wrote
>     For instance networking protocols for i-appli are handled differently
>  on the N? phone and I think the F has some oddities
> with URL updates and the month April. etc etc.  Little things that
> add up to a lot.  Check out font sizes!

I am curious as to what you mean when you say the Nseries handles networking
differently?   I am thinking about buying one, but if it is a problem then
maybe I will have to
get another phone.

From a code perspective, are you saying that opening and using the
HttpConnection class via the Connector are different than the other phones?

Such as the standard rules are you open the HttpConnection,
Set up the header and content.
open the outputstream
write any data to the outputstream and close it.
call the HttpConnection connect method
then open the inputstream
read data from  the inputstream
close the inputstream and finally close the HttpConnection.

Thanks ,

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Tue May 15 09:42:57 2001