(keitai-l) Re: imode interface patents

From: Nick May <nick_at_kyushu.com>
Date: 05/23/01
Message-id: <fc.000f7610000564453b9aca009cf931e2.56446@kyushunet.com>
keitai-l@appelsiini.net writes:
>Please also note that organizations like the USPTO are not
>there to certify the validity of patents per se, but rather to
>make sure they pass some basic filing tests. 

this is getting off topic, (not keitai related) but...

surely they have to 

a) have a policy of what type of things are patentable.

b) make some decent attempt to determine whether prior art exists.

Their policy in the former and the extent of their competence in the
latter  in part determines whether this or that patent organisation is any
good. The USPTO are notoriously lax in both areas. The Japanese patent
office look like they might be going to decline Amazon's one-click.

> Blaming patent
>offices for all stupid patents is like blaming traffic cops for
>all stupid drivers.

no - your anaolgy is far from exact. traffic cops do not grant to drivers
the right to drive, nor set the driving test conditions.


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed May 23 11:35:09 2001