(keitai-l) Re: Dial thru iAppli

From: Ben Hutchings <ben.hutchings_at_roundpoint.com>
Date: 06/07/01
Message-ID: <F65A2A377C3E4946A06EAA95F32CCA580214D1@saturn.roundpoint.co.uk>
Henry Minsky wrote:
> At 06:59 PM 6/7/01 +0900, you wrote:
> >Hello All,
> >
> >I wish to know if anyone came across something like the one in my
> >subject line
> >
> >I want to dial a number through my iAppli
> >Am I on the wrong track or something
> >
> >Manish
> As far as I can tell the iAppli API provides no way to dial the
> phone from within an applet. 

This is almost certainly due to security concerns.  Remember the
trouble with pages that linked to emergency numbers, and phones
that didn't ask the user to confirm the number before dialling?
Still, the API could have included a function to display a
standard prompt and then dial the number if the user accepts it.
This would have had to be implemented carefully to make it
impossible for the program to generate fake user input or to
modify the appearance of the prompt.  I suppose this was not
considered worth doing, given the difficulty and the risk.

On a related issue, suppose a malicious programmer was trying to
write an i-appli that caused trouble for its users and/or third
parties.  What sort of things could it do, if anything (aside
from running up packet charges, which we've discussed before)?
How would a user quit the i-appli, if it didn't want to be quit?

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu Jun 7 00:47:21 2001