(keitai-l) Re: SVG == Scaleable Vector Graphics

From: Henry Minsky <hqm_at_ai.mit.edu>
Date: 06/11/01
Message-Id: <>
I think the cool interactive stuff that is done with SVG is all done
in JavaScript at the moment, so you would need JavaScript to
run on the phones as well. Or some other scripting language.
The SVG interactive animations do many things by having the Javascript
directly manipulate the parsed SVG XML structure (i.e., the DOM tree), which
is strange and counter-intuitive but very powerful. It's like the old-fashioned
vector displays on computers which used a display-list to refresh the display.

I don't full SVG is practical in a phone yet. Maybe some lightweight Java 
API  interface
to an SVG subset? I know several different people or companies who
  are writing  lightweight SVG-like libraries for
sending vector animations to the iAppli or
MIDP platform (including myself :-) ).

There is a standard gnu-zip format for compressing SVG files, but I dont
know if that is as optimal as some kind of binary standard (which would
kind of defeat one of the selling points of SVG, it's easy to debug as
XML text).

At 12:45 AM 6/11/01 -0700, you wrote:

>Hello All
>I have heard that the new i-mode and J-Phones are
>going to support  SVG == Scaleable Vector Graphics
>for 2D and 3D graphic engines for games and content.
>It is awesome for extensibility but I dont know about
>SVG is supported by the W3G as a standard go to the
>W3C page.
>Will SVG beat out other formats  for graphics on the
>What are the real world benefits of SVG and weaknesses
>Adobe even supports a plugin for SVG at
>Install the plugin and save the XML file as an *.svg
>format and watch the simple graphics render.
>I have played around with SVG using Adobe's SVG plugin
>and it is slow because it has to parse XML. Here is a
>sample graphics SVG xml file
><rect fill="blue" x="5" y="5" id="rect" width="10"
><!-- Not allowed, since defineThisFirst is not defined
><animate id="thisIsNotAllowed"
>     xlink:href="#rect"
>     begin="defineThisFirst.end"
>     fill="freeze"
>     attributeName="height"
>     dur="4s"
><animate id="defineThisFirst"
>     xlink:href="#rect"
>     attributeName="width"
>     attributeType="XML"
>     fill="freeze"
>     from="10" to="100"
>     dur="2s"/>
><animate id="thisIsOk"
>     xlink:href="#rect"
>     begin="defineThisFirst.end"
>     fill="freeze"
>     attributeName="height"
>     dur="4s"
>     from="10" to="200"/>
>CGM ( Computer Graphic Metafile )
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Received on Mon Jun 11 11:04:31 2001