(keitai-l) Re: Can J-Phone rock DoCoMo's boat?

From: Eric Hildum <Eric_Hildum_at_itochu.net>
Date: 06/19/01
Message-ID: <B754D2D5.3A45%Eric_Hildum@itochu.net>
> Yes, Brew has a safety/security problem that makes them require approval.
> If they make
> the developers jump through hoops then why bother.  It does make you wonder
> how they
> plan on getting many developers to adopt the platform.  If KDDI does a good
> job with their security
> then maybe we might even see it get rolled into the official platform.
> Although, I wonder how they are
> going to do this without JNI (Java Native Interface) must have included
> hooks directly in the KVM...
I think you are misjudging the developer market that they (Qualcomm) are
aiming for. It is clearly not the independent developers such as create
official and unofficial imode sites. They are more targeting the carriers,
handset manufacturers, and major application providers such as SAP, Oracle,

The applications providers would be developing wireless terminals for the
ERP, SCM, etc. products that would be sold as a custom application handset.
Of course, the application developers may be more interested in J2ME
development, as that potentially gives them a wider range of devices for the
development dollar...

Eric Hildum 

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Received on Tue Jun 19 19:50:36 2001