(keitai-l) Re: docomo and spam

From: Malcolm James <mj_at_translation.co.jp>
Date: 06/20/01
Message-ID: <003c01c0f952$c91a9190$0500a8c0@gx1>
rolf van widenfelt suggested:
> since all email is routed thru their servers,
> docomo could potentially detect spammers by noticing IP addresses
> that are sending an unusual amount of email.
> but perhaps better, it could ask its users to help by "flagging" messages as

ideally with a "don't invoice me for this mail" flag.

Malcolm James
Fontaine Limited, Kyoto
Japanese to English translation by native speakers
Tel: +81-75-821-4957 Fax: -822-2407
email: mj@translation.co.jp
web: http://www.translation.co.jp

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Received on Wed Jun 20 09:22:42 2001