(keitai-l) Re: Can phones give good (talking) head? (Was Re: Re: Sense of video o

From: cfb <cfb_at_nirai.ne.jp>
Date: 07/20/01
Message-ID: <3B5814E6.430F4986@nirai.ne.jp>
Nick May wrote:
> With leap@gol.com's comments about vid-dating in mind:
> Anyone who thinks that low bandwidth video is a non-starter should think
> back a little to cu-seeme....

I feel compeled to comment, as this particular "sad-bastard" story 
strikes a little too close to home for my personal, retrospective
comfort level.  Anyone who's left in disbelief, STFW using the keywords
"porn drives technology innovation"...  Gamming is a close second.

cu-seeme *almost* became a critical, killer app. for certain ISPs.
I remember being courted by varous sales folks to purchase the US$8k 
reflector that white pine software was hawking...  as I poked around
the traffic flows, I latched on to a significant subset of folks who
spent their time at cu-seeme refelector sites.  I even managed to 
"lurk" on some of the "group-sex" reflectors... I can't really say 
that it became a habit, but self-assesment is never recomended.
Eventually, Netmeeting came along and I realized that you can't 
really can't advertise things like "group sex chat" (at least not in
the market I was operating at the time).

I think streaming video from cell phones will be a similar "near miss".
I don't think that it will keep cell phone growth curve exponential...
it might keep it steep-linear, but one of the question you need to ask
yourself is: "are the people comming off of contract going to switch
carriers based on cell phone features?"  That question might not 
exactly be 100% relivant in the Japanese market, but it is exceedingly
relivant in other markets.

my personal opinion of streaming video from the handset is that it 
needs a method for party to party payment to become 100% pervasive 
(at least among early adoptors).  There are too many non-video phones
out there for streaming video to reach critical mass and without a 
reliable, unmediated payment mechanism to drive adoption, the full 
potential of the current leading edge mobile network to internet 
revolution will go unrealized.

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Fri Jul 20 14:22:18 2001