(keitai-l) Re: L-mode

From: Arjen van Blokland <ab_at_tkk.att.ne.jp>
Date: 09/08/01
Message-Id: <4.3.2-J.20010908101559.00c31e40@tkk.att.ne.jp>
I have been playing with the L-mode phone we use in our company for development.

L-mode is like the current WAP over GSM experience. It takes 30s to get 
connected to the L-mode server and the screen is black and white. Once 
connected the transmission speeds are OK. Display and characters are much 
larger making it easier for elderly people to read.

Content offering is still growing. 'killer app' (I guess) ring tones.  In a 
later stage, community/neighborhood info couild be useful.

User growth will be much slower than for i-mode, since the economic 
life-time of fixed wired phones is much much longer than mobile phones.


At 16:55 01/09/06 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I've heard very little about L-mode since it was first released; anybody
>hear anything about how well (or otherwise) it is doing?
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Received on Sat Sep 8 04:19:15 2001