(keitai-l) Re: GSM->SIM : iMode->?

From: Ben Hutchings <ben.hutchings_at_roundpoint.com>
Date: 09/25/01
Message-ID: <70B689D6582BF04690D425A24AB386E408C488@presidio.roundpoint.co.uk>
Samal Chandran wrote:
>  A fundamental question...
> A GSM phone uses the SIM card for storing Subscriber details.  So
> what is the equivalent in the iMode (PDC-P?) phones.

There is none.  Subscriber details are not physically removable from
the phone.  It is possible to read out and re-write these details, but
this is not something that subscribers are meant to be able to do.

> What about the 3G phones, what do they use?

DoCoMo's 3G 'FOMA' phones use a smart card called a 'UIM' (User
Identification Module).

> and what about the other networks that use CDMA ?

There's an 'R-UIM' (Removable User Identiification Module) smart card
system, but this is not part of the basic standards for CDMA
telephony.  I don't know which networks, if any, are using it.

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Received on Tue Sep 25 22:00:13 2001