(keitai-l) Re: german eplus i-mode question

From: Paul Lester <paul_lester_at_lincmedia.co.jp>
Date: 05/03/02
Message-ID: <3CD1EC9A.28749936@lincmedia.co.jp>
    I remember on January 1. 2000, when DoCoMo reached capacity (before i-appli)
and no one could use the service for a little while.   I think its fears of reaching this
bandwidth limit that keeps providers from expanding the 10k limit rather than memory issues.

    The reason I think that J-Phone and AU can afford to have bigger java-applis is that
they have less of a bandwidth problem because they still have less users.

    But as for E-plus and KPN, they have just started, but there as well as for
any provider.... the bandwidth issue is what I think is causing everyone to
be very cautious how quickly they increase the limits.  Because they have just started
they may have the advantage of not so many users yet.... but they are also just
starting i-mode services and as a result don't think to overload their
 networks until they're sure the network will hold up.

    And the big advantage of 3G if it works is that it could help solve the bandwidth
problem as long as the size limits for things like i-mode pages, applis, ringtones and
pictures (as well as streaming video) are kept to a minimum.

    This is all my opinions... I haven't checked with e-plus or KPN as to the
real reasons which could be anything.

    Its always best to start out simple and expand.... to build firm working solutions
and expand them, rather than to introduce the whole hoot and caboodle at once.

    There are  probably other issues as well.... like the reasons that every provider
of java-appli that I have seen uses a different API, and how almost every provider
uses a different midi and wav format.... and sometimes multiple formats... etc etc.
Lots of issues to deal with.  Probably copyright related issues and business issues
more than the solvable technical issues play a big role as well.

    And pretty soon we may be seeing different variants of MP3 popping up as well
(to fit on phones), but hopefully not.

Paul B. Lester
theta division
LincMEDIA Group:(Layer-8 Technologies Inc)
Chief Engineer
Programmer/Chakumelo engineer/DBA/QA etc
EMAIL: paul_lester@lincmedia.co.jp

personal homepage: http://pbl1.tripod.com/
personal EMAIL: pbl1@cornell.edu
Received on Fri May 3 04:53:59 2002