(keitai-l) Re: [link] wlan/plan

From: cfb <cfb_at_nirai.ne.jp>
Date: 06/11/02
Message-ID: <3D05E0AC.9E6A95B4@nirai.ne.jp>
Benjamin Kowarsch wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 11, 2002, at 01:14 , Ben Hutchings wrote:
> > On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Eric Hildum wrote:
> > If the RFC is a Draft Standard or Internet Standard then real software
> > does exist.
> Well, some companies - usually outside of the Unix space - seem to have
> very serious difficulties to properly implement RFCs.

My personal feeling is that the handset makers should just put
the damned compact flash slot on their phones, add the hardware
into their API and let the programmers do their thing.  If they
build it and nobody comes, the handset makers can turn it into
another battery compartment.

But then it's important to remember that actual current state 
of the underlying "OS".... and the current state of the 
oyayubi-zoku's OS nation is both encouraging and depressing
(primarily because it's not yet PocketPC by both accounts).

Still, it would take some balls to put a power sucking CF slot 
on an actual phone... probably won't happen until phone, PDA
and PocketPC are one big happy family.

...and until that happens, we're all just whistling dixie anyway.
Received on Tue Jun 11 14:38:47 2002