(keitai-l) Re: Camera phones - USB & WPAN

From: Ken Chang <kench_at_hotmail.com>
Date: 07/25/02
Message-ID: <F40kv6os8kHJHcANTxG00016591@hotmail.com>

think we agree with each other in general (and the wireless-USB/
FireWire was in my throat).  a simple layered design is the key.
Ethernet is a good point, and it's becoming a WAN standard now.

what I mean is that wired or wireless, the lower physical and
data-link layers are the main concern here that make difference.

music/video again, what if people wear wireless headphones or
small LCDs for play back from a device in the pocket, or using
a PDA to access data on HDDs in the bag.  these will involve
heavy radio traffic, and will have interference problems like
too small pico-cells.

was Bluetooth designed for this?

>Without cables the students will be more likely to steal the keyboards and 

it's the professor who shouldn't be given a wireless mouse,
that he may use to throw at me when I fall asleep.



ps. Benjamin, not everything has to be in the same way,
wired/or wireless ... wireless Georgia home boy?

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