(keitai-l) Re: Wireless P2P?

From: Ben Hutchings <ben_at_decadentplace.org.uk>
Date: 11/13/02
Message-ID: <20021112233559.GK2953@decadentplace.org.uk>
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 11:29:14AM +0900, Sam Joseph wrote:
> Ben Hutchings wrote:
> >On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 08:42:21AM +0900, Sam Joseph wrote:
> ><snip>
> >>There is as yet, nothing that gives developers a programmatic
> >>interface for direct handset-handset communication (i.e. not
> >>through the base station).
> ><snip>
> >
> >You can definitely do this between Symbian OS phones with Bluetooth,
> >and presumably by IR as well.  I haven't tried this myself as I don't
> >have one, but apparently you can offer up files for download by anyone
> >in range.
> Well I think the Bluetooth phones don't give you programmatic access to 
> the bluetooth environment.  Or at least the Sony Ericsson bluetooth 
> phones didn't have Java in them, and only allowed transfer of certain 
> items, such as phone numbers, rather than phones in general.  But maybe 
> Symbian OS phone with Bluetooth are something else again?  Is there 
> programmatic access, or support for general fiel swapping.

I couldn't say for sure what the interface is, as it's not my area of
development and I don't have an SOS-based phone of my own, but I
believe you can transfer arbitrary files and records via Bluetooth and
IR, using the OBEX protocol.

I don't know whether this functionality is available to Java apps but
it will certainly be available to apps written in C++.

Unfortunately I'm not aware of any announced Japanese products using
Symbian OS yet, and as for unannounced products I couldn't say even if
I did know.  (I don't see any technical barriers to using it on a CDMA
phone as it already has support for CDMA telephony and Far Eastern
text.  PDC telephony might require changes/additions.)

As ever, I'm not speaking for Symbian.  Ask an official contact if you
want official answers.

Ben Hutchings  |  personal web site: http://womble.decadentplace.org.uk/
Anthony's Law of Force: Don't force it, get a larger hammer.
Received on Wed Nov 13 03:30:00 2002