(keitai-l) Re: .ASP with keitai's.Possible..?

From: Mark Sargent <powderkeg_at_snow.email.ne.jp>
Date: 01/07/03
Message-ID: <CKEBLEFOHOIFCEKJGALPMEEFCBAA.powderkeg@snow.email.ne.jp>

thanx...curious though, as I'm rather new to ASP too..actually, new to it
all, eh...That session code, should that be in the asp somewhere, or on each
CHTML page..? Thanx.

Mark Sargent.
Also, I believe that .asp pages try to send a cookie by default so you
should set ENABLESESSIONSTATE=3DFalse.=20
Ron Schei
Received on Tue Jan 7 17:06:10 2003