(keitai-l) Re: input devices: laser qwerty keyboard

From: Jonas Petersson <zap_at_xms.se>
Date: 05/07/03
Message-ID: <3EB8B8DB.C0DC3798@xms.se>
Nick May wrote:
> keitai-l@appelsiini.net writes:
> > From a usability standpoint, any
> >device that requires your HANDHELD, be it a Palm or phone, to sit on a=

> >flat surface, has failed miserably.
> =

> ..... if that is the sole means of input.
> =

> But as an ADDITIONAL means of input, it is potentially very useful. I
> certainly have the need for a pda and  data capture device for the odd
> 1000 words of text. I use a Sinclair Cambridge Z88 for the latter, at
> present.
> =

> a laser keyboard  in a pda would be very useful in some situations wher=
e I
> use the Z88, or even a laptop.....

Agreed - I find the "toothpick feeling" of entering text on the P800
horrible (Palm/iPaq is significantly better). This is why I still prefer
the Nokia 9210 "brick" - sure it is bulky, but even entering text with
just two thumbs on the mini keyboard (standing up on a bus/train) beats
the toothpick (and Palm) by at least a factor of 2-3. (I hear that
people with tiny fingers can use it almost like a normal keyboard, but
then you need some kind of surface.)

> How long before they can paint the screen ona  flat surface, using a
> laser.....

Hey, make that a green laser and we are back to the good old vt100

				/ Jonas
-- =

Jonas Petersson |  XMS Penvision  | mailto:Jonas.Petersson@xms.se
Box 3294, Holmbrogr=E4nd 1, S-600 03 Norrk=F6ping | http://www.xms.se/
Tel: +46 (0)11 244805 | Fax: +46 (0)11 244809
Received on Wed May 7 10:44:52 2003