(keitai-l) Re: Clossing Walled Gardens and Java vs. NativeApplications

From: Jon Ellis <jon.ellis_at_sun.com>
Date: 05/14/03
Message-ID: <3EC1A5E4.4070001@sun.com>
Jonas Petersson wrote:
> In theory, yes - this is exactly what Java was designed for.
> In practice, the java currently available in most phones does not allow
> you to access phone book, camera etc so basically you can only use it
> for games.

I'm not sure i follow your reasoning. How do you see not 
being able to access phone book, camera, etc. limiting the 
use of Java to games?

I posit that the reason that Java is mostly used for games 
is related more to user demand for advanced games than 
limitations of the midp/doja apis.

Received on Wed May 14 05:14:13 2003