(keitai-l) Follow up on number of Java initiated HTTP request on WIN

From: Mathieu Castelli <mathieu_at_newtgames.com>
Date: 01/15/04
Message-Id: <200401150913.11902.mathieu@newtgames.com>
Hello all, 

we got the official word from KDDI (soon to be included in the java doc):

No more than 8 http requests per minute. 

Here's how it works...

1st req	00:00:00
  2nd		00:00:05
  3rd		00:00:10
  4th		00:00:15
  5th		00:00:20
  6th		00:00:25
  7th		00:00:30
  8th		00:00:35

  9th	only gets through 1 minute after the first so :00:01:01 and after.
  10th only gets through 1 minute after the second so :00:01:06 and after.
 11th	 will only get through after 00:01:11. And so on...

They say it's for traffic control...which doesn't make sense to me. People 
could be downloading big files from un-official sites using WAP.

The error message is "can't connect"...so that users blame our server.I guess 
most newbies will simply erase the apply right away.
I can't wait to see if the first BREW WIN phones will have the same 

Mathieu Castelli - Newt Games
Received on Thu Jan 15 10:14:47 2004