(keitai-l) Re: how to preverify from command line

From: Claus Hoefele <claus.hoefele_at_gmail.com>
Date: 08/03/04
Message-ID: <9f8ab7ef04080308013185425c@mail.gmail.com>

I use these lines to make the jar file:

C:\mystuff\tools\java\sdk\142_03\bin\javac.exe -g:none -bootclasspath
-target 1.1 -d tmp\compiled src\test\Main.java src\test\TestPanel.java

C:\mystuff\tools\java\sdk\doja35\bin\preverify.exe -classpath
C:\mystuff\tools\java\sdk\doja35\classes;tmp\compiled -d
tmp\preverified tmp\compiled

C:\mystuff\tools\java\sdk\142_03\bin\jar.exe -cvfM test.jar -C tmp\preverified .

And to start it in the emulator (you need to provide the jam file):
-i C:\mystuff\tools\java\sdk\doja35\apps\test\test.jam

I think the difference is that I compile for JDK 1.1 and use the
preverifier from the DoJa SDK. The J2ME SDK provides two preverifiers
and preverify.exe by default points to a CLDC 1.1. version. The one
for DoJa is still CLDC 1.0.

Hope that helps,
Received on Tue Aug 3 18:02:00 2004