(keitai-l) Re: Handset Descriptions

From: George Arriola <lowsrc_at_adobe.com>
Date: 01/26/05
Message-id: <BE1D3F77.D319%lowsrc@adobe.com>
Iąd recommend looking into the following... These links should help.
OMA / UAProf (http://www.openmobilealliance.org/tech/profiles/index.html -
which is based on CC/PP)
W3C / CC/PP (http://www.w3.org/2001/di/)

The above are the łofficial˛ recommended approaches, then there is, of
course WRFUL...

WURFL (http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/)

The carriers and device manufactures are working diligently on ensuring
UAProf will be reliable. Especially since those of us in the W3C are now
closely working with the OMA / 3GPP organizations.

Compound Document Working Group - http://www.w3.org/2004/CDF/
Device Independent Working Group - http://www.w3.org/2001/di/

senior.product.manager  |  // mobile // pervasive_publishing  |
w.1.408.536.5015  |  m.1.415.309.3108  |  aim brandexperience

On 1/26/05 7:01 AM, "D_C" <d3ntaku@gmail.com> wrote:

> there are a few sites that benchmark performance of java devices...
> you donwload a little applet and it communicates dev-caps back to the
> server.
> for wap, I'm sure there must be such a project...
> /dc
> On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 18:46:02 +0900, Frengle, Nik, VF-JP
> <nik.frengle@vodafone.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am wondering if anyone is aware of a markup language or DTD (xml) used to
>> describe mobile handsets, or of any projects with that as their object.
>> Best,
>> Nik Frengle
>> This mail was sent to address lister@pikkle.com
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Received on Wed Jan 26 22:35:07 2005