(keitai-l) Re: Vodafone Block Nokia ?

From: Jason Byrne <jbyrne_at_oopsenglish.com>
Date: 07/26/05
Message-Id: <1122351927.10049.32.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Thanks Nick for your input. So Key point is, if you can`t sign it
correctly, don`t bother buying a Nokia.

How about Docomo. Can you download unsigned java apps to your phone?

Equally what I like about Nokia is you can use MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1 and
not get into the whole handset specific APIs, if you don`t need to. 

Is that true for Docomo which seem to have set their own standard APIs
which I guess handset makers install if they want to sell to Docomo.


Received on Tue Jul 26 07:32:17 2005