(keitai-l) Re: New Book on Japanese Mobile

From: David Harper <dharper_at_wirelessink.com>
Date: 08/23/05
Message-Id: <1124815842.A657220@dh11.dngr.org>
Any work prepared by Mizuko Ito is a must read. The insight she has 
provided in past works have helped shape my understanding of the mobile 
space and the people that use it as a part of their daily lives. Thanks 
for providing a heads up Justin as this new work slipped by me.

Dave Harper
Founder, WINKsite

On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 3:34 am, Justin Hall wrote:
> Hola Keitai-L -
> I'm an old contributor to these lists, when I lived in Japan and
> wrote about mobile for TheFeature.com (now sadly shuttered).  I'm
> currently studying Interactive Media, including mobile phones and
> video games, at the University of Southern California.  Drop me a
> line if you're ever in town here!  I'll be in Tokyo for the upcoming
> September Tokyo Game Show.
> Anyhow, I'm writing now to mention a brilliant new book that's come
> out, that should be of use to you:
> Personal, Portable, Pedestrian : Mobile Phones in Japanese Life
>   by Mizuko Ito, Daisuke Okabe, Misa Matsuda
> These folks have gathered and translated a dozen or so essays on
> keitai, tracking their history, their proliferation, the user
> adaptation of new technologies, and the social impact of these devices.
> The research was all done by Japanese academics, people who had the
> time to ask the questions and do the research that I didn't as a
> journalist.  They interviewed and recorded the mobile phone use of
> families, of teenagers, of business people.
> I read the book after I'd already spent years summarizing these
> things, based on anecdotes and cursory research.  There's a lot of
> depth in this book, for folks who want to tell stories or understand
> the context of mobile media in Japan.
> I'll include a link for more information on the book below:
> http://www.itofisher.com/mito/archives/000076.html
> My keitai-L email is coming through intermittently (broken
> SpamAssassin), so if I'm late to a discussion in progress, pardon me
> - this is a juicy tome that folks here would dig.
> Okay,
> Justin
> Justin Hall
> http://www.links.net/
> This mail was sent to address dharper@wirelessink.com
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Received on Tue Aug 23 19:50:48 2005