(keitai-l) Re: QR codes - used outside of Japan yet?

From: Philip Sugai <philip_at_iuj.ac.jp>
Date: 01/12/06
Message-ID: <43C5F9E6.6030808@iuj.ac.jp>
Thanks Gerhard,

I knew the Denso Wave part, but didn't know the differences between QR 
and 2D.  Thank you for the clarification and insights.  Very much 

Does anyone on this list have any actual usage data of QR codes in 
Japan?  We are seeing them everywhere and on virtually everything (even 
the bag of kitchen salt we bought this past week had one on it), but are 
they being used?  Is there any data about this publicly available? 


Gerhard Fasol wrote:

> Philip Sugai wrote:
>> Michael,
>> There's a great article in this month's Dime magazine (February/March 
>> 2006 in Japanese) about QR codes.  http://www.digital-dime.com/  In 
>> the printed magazine its on page 158-160.  Although it's about the 
>> Japanese market, it give a very interesting overview and details 
>> about the capabilities and limitations of these codes.
>> For clarification, I believe a QR or "Quick Response" code, is just 
>> the name given to 2D "2-dimensional" barcodes by Omron.  So I believe 
>> that these are one and the same thing technically (but please feel 
>> free to correct me if I'm wrong).
> Yes, I will correct you if you don't mind:
> - QR-codes have nothing to do with Omron, QR (=quick response) codes
>   were developed by Toyota's subsidiary Denso, which formed a special
>   company called Denso-Wave which owns the QR code. They cost quite
>   a lot of work and money to develop. They were developed for
>   car parts management for Toyota cards - nothing to do with
>   mobile phones.
> - There are many different 2D codes, not just QR codes. We have a
>   list of some common 2D codes in our QR code report:
>   http://www.eurotechnology.com/store/qr-code/
>   but there are many more. If you feel like it you can develop
>   your own 2D bar code - but to develop a good one will take
>   many man-years, and a sound knowledge of practical mathematics,
>   and some optical engineering knowledge.
> Gerhard
>> Philip
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gerhard Fasol, PhD                          Eurotechnology Japan K. K.
> http://fasol.com/                       http://www.eurotechnology.com/
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Philip Sugai
Assistant Professor of Marketing
International University of Japan
777 Kokusai Cho, Minami Uonuma-Shi
Niigata 949-7277, Japan
Office Phone/Fax: 81-(0)25-779-1400
Received on Thu Jan 12 08:40:44 2006