(keitai-l) Re: Uploading home-made MIDlets

From: <negativedouble_at_gmail.com>
Date: 06/28/06
Message-ID: <84805ab70606280821n71c4891et9f242c75a240ce9f@mail.gmail.com>
On 26/06/06, Claus Hoefele <claus.hoefele@gmail.com> wrote:
> Vodafone/Softbank should support MIDP. Last time I tried to download a
> MIDlet over-the-air to a phone from a Japanese manufacturer, I had to
> register with an authorized developer site. But I think different
> phones have different requirements at Vodafone. Maybe the Nokias don't
> have these restrictions.

I looked up Vodafone's pricelist:

Y1843 to download a 1MB V-appli on the standard plan! Ouch. The
'discount' plans don't help me much either.

I've seen the V-appli emulator but still, uploading to the hardware
isn't something I can do just once. Can anyone recommend a way to do
this on a budget?

Received on Wed Jun 28 18:22:20 2006