(keitai-l) Re: iPhone Softbank plans

From: Nick May <nick_at_cogitoltd.com>
Date: 06/17/08
Message-Id: <B399F43D-522D-4CA9-832D-C754C14F3C08@cogitoltd.com>
It is no worse than the 705NK was at launch.

It is about 5000yen/month more than a basic white plan with basic  
browsing package.

That said - people with iphones are said to use the net for browsing  
rather more than people on other handsets - so having the unlimited  
packet plan might worth while.

Say one got the basic white plan, and browsed only over wifi, that  
would bring it in pretty cheap - what - 3500yen/month? Which is  
reasonable, given the fact it is a small ipod as well....

If one is wondering "do I keep my current phone and get an itouch, or  
move to an iphone" it isn't a bad proposition....


On Jun 17, 2008, at 1:40 PM, William G. Perrin III wrote:

>> It looks like Softbank's iPhone plans have been leaked:
>> http://whatjapanthinks.com/2008/06/17/softbank-iphone-pricing-plan-leaked/
>> Cheers
>> Kyle
> Great find Kyle!
> ¥10,695 yen per month without free minutes to other service  
> providers and no
> free calls from 9 pm to 1 am? That's a bit pricy for the average  
> consumer.
> That 2 year installment lock-in probably won't win many fans either.
> This mail was sent to address nick@kyushu.com
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Received on Tue Jun 17 08:01:27 2008