(keitai-l) Re: M-Commerce

From: calvin lash <calvin-lash_at_hitachi-cs.co.jp>
Date: 04/17/00
Message-ID: <38FA9F17.7ABADE1D@hitachi-cs.co.jp>
"Daniel J. Isenberg" wrote:
> I was trying to refer to the
> what I interpreted from someone's observation to be attempts
> by some of the operators to block or limit access to the
> Net/surfing/open services etc., provide proprietary access
> to sites only by their own subscribers, etc..

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, "proprietary access":  Satan, get thee behind me!  
Before the Internet, way back at the Dawn of Time, proprietary access
was the only game in town. Ah, those were the Bad Old Days of paying
blood money to access the Beast 666. Lexis/Nexis, Compuserve et al.

Specifically, I find it aggravating that I can't seem to* access the
TokyoQ m-site from my IDO (EZ Access WAP-standard) or an browser-based
tool yet. [Nokia doesn't even mention its I-Menu site on the the TokyoQ
website <http://www.tokyoq.com>, sheesh. WAP sites in Europe still seem
more willing to allow access from competing systems, right?]

as suggested by Ren:
>You can see Nokia's site under 辞書・便利ツール near the bottom of the I-Menu, complete
>with Tokyo Q contents. The first official website with any English contents of any depth

*But hey, I out of my "depth" here, since my street photos and factoids
that I used to get into the TokyoQ ended with the Nokia's involvement.

Oh well, back to my day-job........

Received on Mon Apr 17 08:17:59 2000