(keitai-l) Key passing

From: Masi Yamada <masi_at_kevoconsulting.com>
Date: 11/16/00
Message-ID: <CNEAIFPKOOGKLBJIACAJIEMCCGAA.masi@kevoconsulting.com>
I recently heard from a DoCoMo rep that the 503 JAVA phones would have the
ability to pass a key from the phone to the App server.  This is necessary
for SSL and other security features but it has ramifications for developers
since they will now be able to create and manage sessions and create
shopping carts etc.  He didn't give me particulars but promised to get me
specs later.  If anyone has these specs already and could give me the
specifics, I would appreciate it greatly.


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu Nov 16 08:41:45 2000