(keitai-l) Re: Keitai-based comparison shopping vs. the retailers (was: Re: Digital skin is IN!....)

From: <Jan.Chipchase_at_nokia.com>
Date: 11/27/00
Message-ID: <6468108794D6D311AB850008C72B5EA4024A1CB6@toeis01nok>
From: Michael Turner [mailto:leap@gol.com]

> Come to think of it, though, this all sounds like an excellent reason
> why it *won't* take off here, despite Japan being an 
> excellent candidate
> for an early start, based on demographics and technology alone.

Maybe this is this is the point where you can buy a
comparison-shopping-jammer to counter the shop's own jammer. A
jammer-jammer(TM) so to speak. ;)

On a similarly frivolous note. If it is easy for companies/individuals to
track where someone is based on their phone, then sooner or later someone
will start offering location-masking services: want to pretend you're in
Osaka when you're really at the beach in Isu - no problem when you use the


must be something in the water

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Mon Nov 27 02:30:43 2000