(keitai-l) Interested in mobile internet usability?

From: Christian Weinreich <christian.weinreich_at_framfab.dk>
Date: 11/30/00
Message-ID: <A02826BC0F5AD4119C5A00508B449D5EC8BCD1@volcano.framfab.dk>

I guess it is about time I introduced myself to this list...
I am a danish graduate student in communication studies interested in mobile
internet usability. Rather, what consequences mobile devices + mobile
internet (therefore also iMode) has for our current methods of estimating
and validating usability. I am not a big fan of Jacob Nielsens quantitative
usability notion. Rather, I believe that for information based systems must
be judged from a subjective/qualitative point of view (as this is how end
users themselves experience a device)...

So... I guess my question is:

Can anybody recommend ressources on mobile internet usability, rapports on
usablity tests performed on mobile devices such as the iMode (preferably in
an European/Western context or with European/Western users)

Besides that I am VERY interested in discussing any experiences you might
have with usability testing mobile devices/mobile internet sites. Especially
what problems you might have had.

Hope this wasn't too extensive.... :)

Best regards,
Christian Weinreich

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Andrea Hoffmann [mailto:ah@anima.de]
Sendt: 23. november 2000 08:16
Til: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
Emne: (keitai-l) Re: presentation on i-mode


> I am trying to find a powerpoint presentation on the i-mode / and on
> Mobile wireless telecommunications in Japan.
> Would anybody know where I could find one ?

you should find some links to presentations and reports about i-mode and
DoCoMo (powerpoint, word and html) here:

MMJ: Business and General Info

Hope this helps,
Andrea Hoffmann
Andrea Hoffmann   ---   Editor-in-Chief   ---    MMJ Online
hoffmann_at_mobilemediajapan.com - http://mobilemediajapan.com
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Received on Thu Nov 30 17:48:27 2000