(keitai-l) Re: The most ugly and misformed phone I ever saw in my life

From: Nick May <nick_at_kyushu.com>
Date: 12/21/00
Message-id: <fc.000f76100004d2b43b9aca00cc6668f3.4d2b6@kyushunet.com>
keitai-l@appelsiini.net writes:
>I want a 3G, Bluetooth enabled, low-power
>belt buckle.

Having thought about this a little more, I am inclined to agree. There is
no reason why most of the phone (a power supply, the antenna, the signal
processor, etc etc) should have to be held near the face, or "held" at
all. Building them into something like a belt would give them portability
but (because they are built in) a low profile. Have them talk to a
keypad/screen (if required) and a mouthpiece/earpiece (finger mic/finger
vibrator, whatever) via a bluetooth link (does it have the bandwidth?) and
you have something very flexible. With decent voice recognition you could
get rid of the dialpad for most voice calls. The problem with earpieces I
have seen so far is the trailing wire, something that I assume
(correctly?) that bluetooth will eventually take care of. 

It isn't the weight of the phones components that are really the issue,
just the bits that have to be held or handled. 

Who would be prepared to have a mic/earpiece built onto the bone of their

When videophones become a reality, there is going to be an issue of
keeping the camera focused on the face. A fingermic, or an on-bone mic
could serve that purpose also.

keitai-l@appelsiini.net writes:
>I can envision the headlines now.
>"Health studies reveal the RenBuckle as a possible source of testicular

Too many Rentogens, I assume...


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Received on Thu Dec 21 14:35:58 2000