(keitai-l) The Java glitch

From: Mika Tuupola <tuupola_at_appelsiini.net>
Date: 02/11/01
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.05.10102112202230.11345-100000@aurinko.taivas.com>
	"The  power-off behavior of the phone does not occur with every
	site, but those created under certain conditions, the company

	The above is what is said in almost all of the news articles
	concerning the 503i glitch. The "under certain conditions" is
	pretty interesting. Does this mean some weird tag combinations
	in the page or (what I believe) those certain conditions are
	just rogue midlets which use a bug or security hole found
	in the phones Java implementation?

Mika Tuupola                      http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/

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Received on Sun Feb 11 22:06:07 2001