(keitai-l) GPRS does not attract Swedish customers

From: Victor Pikula <victor_at_pikula.com>
Date: 02/21/01
Message-ID: <3A9B43A4@twigger.nl>

<snipped and snapped for posting purposes>
Europolitan Holdings launched Sweden's first nationwide GPRS offering in 
December, but the number three mobile company has attracted "a very low 
number" of GPRS customers since then. CEO Risfelt blamed a "total absence" of 
handsets, saying the only currently available GPRS phone is Motorola's 


-- Europolitan did not cite subscription figures, but the newspaper said only 
1,000 of the Motorola GPRS phones have been sold.

... that explains everything now doesn't it! Motorola fires more staff than it 
is producing cool phones nowadays.

-- He said demand for GPRS itself remains strong. Nokia and Ericsson are 
planning to launch GPRS phones later this year, which may boost take-up.

Let's hope they sell them directly do the DoCoMo-KPN-TIM group, for if they 
don't, we'll all be carrying NEC's and Panasonic before the end of this year. 
(no offense, Jan!)

Victor P.

All stated above only represents my personal opinion. Since I am currently 
graduating, blaiming my future employer or company would not give you much... 

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Received on Wed Feb 21 20:40:17 2001