(keitai-l) Re: 'Official' SDK by DoCoMo

From: Zev Blut <zev_at_atc.yamatake.co.jp>
Date: 03/28/01
Message-ID: <003801c0b72e$f1e88520$da1414ac@taishakurhq>
There are various tools for compression, but I find that in general they do
not offer much reduction in size for the project that I am working on.
Maybe only 2% or so, of course a small redesign of my code gave me a much
bigger reduction of about 48% in jar size.

As for getting the source code for the KVM, if you download the CLDC base
file from Sun it gives you the source code for the KVM and the java
packages.  Once you compile that for Linux you should be able to modify the
SDK to run after that.


------Original Message-----------
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 16:44:28 +0900
From: Henry Minsky <hqm@ai.mit.edu>
Subject: Re: 'Official' SDK by DoCoMo

I notice that there is no compression being performed on the class
libraries when you use
the J2ME SDK .

What are people using to compress their Java classes?

I am using JOpt, which is
pretty good. There used to be a product from IBM called JAX that looked
good, but it is dead.
There are some commercial java compression tools, they are not terribly
cheap though.
Somthing called DashO from preemptive.com, claims to be used by Sun.

Also, I would like to run this SDK on Linux. I copied the jar files over
from Winbloze, and
did a "strings" on the ktools toolbar .exe file. I got as far as running

java -Xbootclasspath/a:lib/dojaconv.jar -classpath
sl/jcert.jar:lib/ssl/jnet.jar:lib/ssl/jsse.jar -Dkvem.home=.

This runs the little top level project winodw, but when the code tries to
launch the emulator, it tries to call Runtime.exec on "kvm.exe", i.e., a
compiled executable of the kvm. I am guessing if I could find and compile a
kvm for
linux,  and name it "kvm.exe" or something, this might work. Anyone know if
can be done?  I hate developing on a Windows box.

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed Mar 28 05:15:44 2001