(keitai-l) Re: Elmo meets McGuyver

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 06/12/01
Message-ID: <1498003989.20010612155513@nooper.com>
> iAppli/i-mode-compatible overhead projectors are clearly
> a cool and useful idea.
Bah, in the good old sun shine times as every web-pet-supplyer
had a golden future (around 1997/98) I bought a Toshiba Video
Projector which had an included (macro) camera to project
everything you put under it onto the wall. Kind of the modern
version of an overhead projector. This was already i-mode
compatible and you could even show your embarassing and
itching skin sickness to a very big audience, just by aligning
the object under the camera.

But this goes to far and doesn't really help...but how about
reading Andrea's mail correctly:

> half offtopic: does somebody here know where I can get (=rent) a projector
> ("Elmo" or similar) in Tokyo

I can feel -m's pain of digesting mails and translate:

Where can [...] Andrea [...] rent a projector [...] in Tokyo?


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Tue Jun 12 09:45:39 2001