(keitai-l) J-Phone grayscale PNG image format

From: Brian Hutchison <Brian.Hutchison_at_PictureIQ.com>
Date: 06/21/01
Message-ID: <099A29474675D41190B3009027DCCCAE956520@jnm0-2>
I want to ensure that our images are properly rendered for J-Phones that do
not support color. We could render the images in grayscale in either an
indexed PNG with a grayscale palette -OR- using the specific grayscale
format (PNG color type 0), in bit depths of 1,2,4,8, or 16. We do not know
which format J-Phones prefer or require, but it appears that the indexed PNG
would yield a smaller file under some conditions.

Thanks in advance,

Brian Hutchison

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu Jun 21 02:12:16 2001