(keitai-l) Re: bwute! [i-mode ssh]

From: Nick May <nick_at_kyushu.com>
Date: 06/24/01
Message-id: <fc.000f7610000583dd3b9aca00d83f1b2b.583de@kyushunet.com>
keitai-l@appelsiini.net writes:
> It
>would be kind of a kick to see telnet on my phone,
>but it's kind of a kick to have Linux-on-your-wrist,

Ordinary telnet on a phone is of no use whatsoever. If the connection is
not secure it is not worth having.

I want to be able to observe and kill processes, edit small files, see the
last x lines of large files (logs) and do the other, everyday, basic
things one sometimes needs to do for emergency elastoplast on a live box.
And yes, the screen IS just about big enough, and no, it doesn't have to
be fast, but it does have to work. I suspect the port 22 problem is going
to mean that it is going to have to be through a secure webpage, as was

Some stuff could be done through a "webadmin" type interface - though I
don't remember off hand whether that allows one to execute arbitrary

>Hack value, little more.

Your needs differ, obviously. 


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Sun Jun 24 08:29:22 2001