(keitai-l) Re: Statistics on i-appli

From: Riku Nakamura <rikky_at_gigaflops.co.jp>
Date: 02/26/02
Message-Id: <20020226223720.C44A.RIKKY@gigaflops.co.jp>

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 16:04:44 +0900
"Manish Prabhune" <applet_graphics@yahoo.com> :

> For all those who are referring to the g-appli stats a word from me.
> The report is dated 2001/03/26 which is neary a year old now

I should give more infomation here.
From 2001/1/26 to 2002/1/26,over 11 million i-applis had been downloaded
from g-appli.net.
We estimate the number of g-appli.net users is 1 mil.
Then a user have 11 i-applis.(11mil/1mil).


"Mobility is not a thing.
 Connected or not,that is a problem."
 in a hurry-> nakamurariku@aol.com
Received on Tue Feb 26 16:02:13 2002