(keitai-l) Re: open source keitai tools (was Re: Re: westernphone, imode sit

From: Thomas O'Dowd <tom_at_nooper.com>
Date: 02/27/02
Message-ID: <20020227115134.G2996@beast.uwillsee.com>
Hi guys,

Just thought I'd add some thoughts on the matter.

1. I think we all agree its a good idea.

2. It doesn't matter what way you suggest doing it, someone will always
   beg to differ. Question is, if you want it, start it yourself and 
   release it. Opensource will take it from there, but it would be 
   best if someone got it to some basic state first for this thing to
   progress at all.

3. Its not really about how apps will use the data, its about making
   the data available in a parsable format. Let the app builders do
   what they like with the data. Who cares how they parse it, or if
   they parse it before, during or after, if they parse it and store
   it in a database or in a hash table. The data in a parsable format
   is whats important.

4. XML is not a bad format to do it in as many languages have libraries
   for dealing with it. I'd keep it simple to start with and learn as we
   go. Lets just get the data in there and see where it takes you.

So basically, I'd just try and create a simple XML file with a flat
device format where I'd borrow the attributes from Mika's .php file.
Probably take me about 3 hours to get it done and release the first
version. Unfortunately, I don't have that 3 hours right now, so I
expect one of you to beat me to it!


Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping - http://nooper.com
tom_at_nooper.com - Testing - http://nooper.co.jp/labs
Received on Wed Feb 27 05:01:03 2002