(keitai-l) Re: RIOT-E goes belly up

From: Funk <funk_at_rieb.kobe-u.ac.jp>
Date: 03/20/02
Message-Id: <4.3.2-J.20020320142402.00d46b10@mail.rieb.kobe-u.ac.jp>
this is an interesting point. I also remember seeing these TVs in the early 
1980s but never made the link with FOMA till now. I guess FOMA has to offer 
a lot more content than is available on a portable TV (I assume color 
portables are quite possible now) to be successful. 

jeff funk
>When pocket TVs came out in the early 1980's (I still have my monochrome
>Casio pocket TV) I really thought that people would spend time watching
>them at work (at lunch, even in the toilets!) or on the bus and they would
>become some sort of modern-day social problem. As it turned out, besides
>the TV content being quite awful during work hours, people just didn't care,
>and still don't.
Received on Wed Mar 20 07:37:17 2002