(keitai-l) Re: i-mode in Germany

From: Riku Nakamura <rikky_at_gigaflops.co.jp>
Date: 05/01/02
Message-Id: <20020501110845.99CB.RIKKY@gigaflops.co.jp>
Hi Andrea

When I got my first i-mode at 22-Feb-1999,none of my friends understood
its convenience and interest.
It was F501i,black and white screen,no harmonic ringing tone and no

I had to explain its technology and future.And some of my friends find 
its  goodness ,mobile banking,e-mail or web browsing of course it was
focused on Katte sites.
# Unexpectedly I do all the same still now : )

It would took 6 months i-mode bacame famous in Japan.
I mean,It will also takes 6 months or so in Germany,and E-Plus have to
contine selling i-mode phone persistently.


On Wed, 1 May 2002 02:36:21 +0200 (MEST)
Andrea Hoffmann <anima@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> There is an interesting article describing Japanese reporters investigating
> the (non)success of i-mode in Germany:
> http://www.zdnet.co.jp/mobile/0204/26/n_d2.html
> (Japanese only)
> Facit: in the two main E-Plus shops in Berlin (Alexander Platz and Zoo), not
> one i-mode phone has been sold so far. The interest seems high, but actual
> sales are not happening. 
> The article also compares the N503iS and the N21i functionality and shows
> that the display brightness is quite different:
> http://www.zdnet.co.jp/mobile/0204/26/d06.jpg.
> They come to the conclusion that colorful and advanced i-mode phones will
> rather sell in countries like France (because French people are more
> fashionable) than in Germany (where people want simple and cheap phones and don't care
> about color and fancy stuff). 
> Andrea
> -- 
> --
> Andrea Hoffmann
> EGIS Consulting Group
> http://www.egisgroup.net
> E-Mail: info@egis.co.jp
> Ph:  +81-3-3264-1060
> Fx:  +81-3-3265-2260
> GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
> http://www.gmx.net
> This mail was sent to address rikky@gigaflops.co.jp
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Received on Wed May 1 05:38:41 2002