(keitai-l) Re: Accessing web-browser from mobile phone

From: Jason Pollard <jasonpollard_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 05/24/02
Message-ID: <20020524175027.63984.qmail@web9906.mail.yahoo.com>
> First, as far as I know, iApplis do not have access to phone's web-browser.
> That means that there's no way iAppli can force browser to access
> certain CHTML page. Is that correct?
That is correct.  Note that the DoJa2.0 API has a method called 'launch', which
if i understand the docs correctly, you can give it a 'type of launch' (i.e.
i-appli or Browswer) and a URL.  The DoJa2 also has support for IR Port

> Second, does someone know if Java clients (MIDLets) on other providers
> (KDDI, JSky) can do the very same thing - access phone's web-browser?
I don't think so.  If they did support it, it would probably be device specific
and so non-portable.  In other words you'd have to make a version of your
midlet for each device, or at least each maker.

I haven't actually tried either of the above, so I could be completely wrong. 


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