(keitai-l) Re: what do people do with the camera phone?

From: Steve Cavrak <sjc_at_lemming.uvm.edu>
Date: 05/28/02
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.33.0205281627230.25314-100000@lemming.uvm.edu>
On Fri, 24 May 2002, Mark Pekelharing wrote:

> Does anyone know what people do with their camera
> phones?
> When do they take pictures?
> What do they pictures of?
> What do they do with these pictures?

In Osaka, I saw a guy comb his hair, take a picture,
turn the phone around, look at it, comb his hair 
some more, take another picture, turn the phone around, 
look at it, comb his hair one more time, take a picture, 
turn the phone around, close the phone, and put it in 
his pocket.

Sort of creative, I though.

Received on Tue May 28 23:31:18 2002