(keitai-l) Re: GSM, PDC and proprietary systems

From: Ben Hutchings <ben.hutchings_at_roundpoint.com>
Date: 06/27/02
Message-ID: <Pine.WNT.4.43.0206271215120.1516-100000@BENWORLD.roundpoint.co.uk>
On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Mika Tuupola wrote:

> On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Ken Chang wrote:
> > btw, I'm no fan of dirty politics within WAP, but it's the best
> > technology.  have a look at au/KDDI and SKT services.
> 	One good thing to remember when discussing whether some
> 	technology / protocol is better than someone else is that
> 	the most widely used protocols aren't usually the technogolically
> 	most advanced ones. Think about SMTP or HTTP. They aren't
> 	technologigally too advanced. They have quite a lot overhead.
> 	But the main thing about them is that theyre _easy to implement_.

SMTP is pretty simple, but it takes a lot of care to build a reliable
service on top of it.  HTTP, on the other hand, is extremely complicated.
Have you not looked at the HTTP 1.1 specification?  In particular, things
like cacheability and content negotiation?  Many implementers have yet to
understand how to use these features correctly.  Thankfully the complex
features are mostly optional in a browser.
Received on Thu Jun 27 14:23:30 2002